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Rent To Own Contract - doc and pdf forms examples

Extract 1 : This Contract of Lease with Option to Purchase (Rent-to-Own Contract) made andexecuted this ____of __________ 20___ Manila, Philippines by and between.

extract 2: Rent to Own Contract Whereas, ___________________ (hereafter Renter) desires to possess and have the use of certain property owned by ____________________ (hereafter Owner) and described inAttachment A, and

extract 3: Premises. Whereas, ___________________ (Buyer) desires to possessand have the use of certain property owned by ____________________ (Seller) Term. Whereas, the parties have agreed that Buyer shall take possessionof the property on 11/2/2012 and have the use of the property until thisagreement is terminated, and Whereas, Buyer and Seller intend thatownership of the property shall transfer to Buyer upon the full completion ofthis agreement, now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:

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