sample cover letter for job
cover letter template for job application
Sub: Application for Skilled Job Seeker Visa to Germany
Dear Sir / Madam,
I, ………………..(name) would like to apply for the Skilled Job Seeker Visa for Germany. I was made aware of the Skilled Jobseeker Visa for Germany by some of my friends. I always wanted to work in a European country and the skilled jobseeker visa allows me to search for a suitable job in Germany. I have researched on the basic requirements for this visa and after going through the requirement, I am confident of providing all the relevant supporting documents & obtaining the Skilled Jobseeker visa. Based on my skills & qualification I am fully eligible for the visa as a skilled worker. Germany is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and it has always been my desire to be part of Germany and utilize my skills for the betterment of the economy as a whole.
Reason for being in Germany:
I was fascinated after going through the guidelines of the Skilled Jobseeker visa to Germany. This visa will give me a chance to explore the various employment options in Germany. I will be able to meet the employers in person and put forth my points about the skills which I possess and how my skills can benefit the company in it growth. Personal interaction with a prospective employer will always have a positive effect than a online or email interaction from a foreign country and also the employer will know and understand my skills in a better perspective and I will also be able to have a better understanding about the company’s nature of work.
I will also get a chance to explore the various cities and towns in Germany and will get to know the people from all walks of life. I will be able to acclimatize myself to the culture of Germany. Please find the detailed explanation about my education, work experience & future career plans.
Age: |
I am currently …. years
old and was born on …………. I have
enclosed a copy of my Passport - ---with
validity from ------------- to --------. I have also enclosed my Birth Certificate for my proof of age for
the Proof of personal status in India.
Education: |
§ Provide all educational details along with certificates/awards if any.
The Status of the Graduation Degree Institute/University i.e. (your college name) based in India is ---- as per the web site
I have enclosed the relevant qualification certificate & mark sheet for your reference.
Work Experience: |
Work experience details
Current Employer
/ Self: Designation & Duration |
Reference Name
for Employment Verification |
employer details along with your role and Experience
details |
employer details
Summary of your job experience……
Based on my research for on the employments opportunities in my sector
in Germany, has given me the motivation to apply for the jobseeker visa and
prove my skills and subject knowledge and at the same time learn from the
Below are few websites where had been searching for jobs in my sectors:
Based on my roles & responsibilities and skills
gained during my employment with my employer, I am confident of getting a job
in my skills sector or expertise in Germany within the stipulated time. I have
done a research on the jobs in Germany relevant to my skills and the prospects
for my skills are good. I have all the relevant documents and proof about my
skills and the same can be verified with my employer.
Summary of your resume….
Based on this experience I am confident of landing a job in my skills area in Germany. I have also enclosed a detailed resume which gives full information about my roles and responsibilities with all the employers I have been associated with during my tenure along with the letters from my employers for my roles and responsibilities for your kind reference.
As per the
guidelines, an applicant who is applying for Skilled Jobseeker Visa in Germany must
demonstrate the availability of maintenance funding to support their stay in
Germany while searching for jobs and to meet the daily expenses as per the cost
of living in Germany to the tune of maximum for the 6 months duration;
- EUR 8,100 (for 6 months) = INR 5,75,000 as
per current conversion rate.
Hence, as per the
maintenance fund criteria, I understood that I have to show a minimum of INR 5,75,000
considering a standard exchange rate @ Euro 1 = INR 72
All the expenses
associated with this trip are supported by me. I have been maintaining Saving Account
of INR… bank….account number…..)
which will be sufficient to accommodate me for the duration of my stay in Germany
while searching for Jobs. I have sufficient funds in Saving Account which can be
withdrawn at any point of time to take care of my expenses while in Germany
searching for jobs.
Please note that
towards the maintenance fund criteria, I have enclosed all the supporting
documents towards fund maintenance for your reference. If you have any further
query, please contact the bank authority to the specified contact numbers in
the enclosed bank letter.
Accommodation: |
I will look for a
suitable accommodation for the rest of the duration of stay in Germany after landing
in Germany.
Travel & Medical Insurance:
I have taken the
Travel and Medical Insurance to cover my duration of stay in Germany. I am
attaching the Travel & Medical Insurance Policy (PolicyID) to cover my stay in Germany from TATA AIG Travel Insurance for your reference for the period from….to …..
Course of Action |
I have already established contact with some of the
employers and employment agencies in Germany. Once I land there, I will get in
touch with the employers whom I had been in touch with and also contact other
companies where there is a requirement for my skills and work experience. I
will try to land a good skilled job in my area of expertise with a reputable
organization and based on that proceed to apply for the work permit and settle
down in Germany.
As the Skilled jobseeker visa is issued only to search
for a Job, once I get the Job I will ensure that I apply for the skilled worker
residence permit with all the relevant documents from the employer before
starting work in Germany.
Continuity of
Career |
I feel it is time
to put my talents to a more diversified and challenging situation in Germany,
as it ranks very highly among the countries of Europe.
I am sure that skills
and work experience that I have gained during my working years and the roles which
I have handled during my tenure, will surely satisfy any enterprising and
foresighted employer in Germany. After browsing various job sites for jobs in Germany,
I am confident of landing in a good job in Germany with my subject expertise
and real time exposure and settling down in Germany.
If by chance I do
not get a job in Germany, I have already backed up my career continuity in
India with my employer, as I have proven my skills which any company will be on
a lookout as a backup plan. But I am confident of getting a job in Germany in
my sector or area of expertise.
My humble request
your kind office to consider all the above-mentioned points before concluding a
final decision. Based on the above-mentioned justifying facts, I request you to
review my application and grant me the visa, which I truly deserve.
I am enclosing my
detailed resume along with the relevant certificates to support my application
for your perusal. If you have any questions or comments, please call
me on Ph: Or E-mail:
Yours Sincerely,

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