Korean Employment Contract template
Sample Korean Employment Contract
Dan's general comments about teaching contracts in Korea: If you do not see at least a few spelling and grammar errors in your contract, I would be amazed. They are not written by high priced lawyers, but rather taken from a sample seen online by the director and has been slightly modified over time as things come up. The Korean contract is a general outline of what the job entails, but will be adhered to in all specific aspects, such as rate of pay, airfare, free housing etc. If there is a problem with an employer, we can help. One of the best ways to prevent problems is to warm up to your supervisor or director from the very beginning. In Korea, it is not as hidden that people who are liked, might be treated more favorably. In case of a minor dispute, try not to show your emotions, since Korean people become offended and will then “get their back up” in defense of their position. It is much better to politely try and find a solution that works for all parties involved, since pulling out the contract at the first sign of difference of opinion will not help the long-term health of your relationship with the director.

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