Deed of donation sample form - word
Deed of donation philippines
That FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF LOVE AND AFFECTION the DONOR HEREBY voluntarily GIVES, TRANSFER, and CONVEYS by way of DONATION UNTO THE DONEE, his heirs assigns, and successors in interest portion of the above described property containing an area of TWO HUNDRED (200) SQ. Meters, more or less, for the purpose of Construction of Mosque, together with all the improvements found thereon free from all liens, encumbrances and charges of whatever kind;
That the DONOR affirms that this DONATION is not made with intent to defraud his creditors and that his sufficient funds and property reserved for himself and his obligations;
That the DONEE hereby accepts and received this DONATION made in favor of _____________________________________________________________, hereby manifests gratefulness for the generosity and liberality of the DONOR.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties have hereunto subscribed their names on __________ at

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