Agreement between buyer and seller of property
How to write an agreement between buyer and seller
Find this example of agreement between buyer and seller of property sample. You can download this document in pdf format. You may to adapt this document with the law of your country and your situation. You may need a look from an expert.
Extract :
EARNEST MONEY: Upon execution of this contract by both parties, Buyer shall deposit $__1000.00______ as earnest
money with ____1
st American Title Company______ as escrow agent, at ___2555 Topac Dr, Dallas Tx 72445________
. Buyer shall deposit additional earnest money of $ ___________________ with escrow agent within __________ days of
the execution date of this contract. If Buyer fails to deposit the earnest money as required by this agreement, Buyer will be
in default and seller may null and void this agreement.
3. NOTICES: Any notices and communications required to be given herein shall be sent to the parties listed above at their
respective addresses by certified mail-return receipt requested. Such notice shall be effective upon delivery or mailing.

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