Rent agreement format word
Rent agreement template word
The monthly rental of the agreed premises is agreed and fixed at Rs______________/-(Rupees) per month which does not include water, electricity and other incidental charges.
This rental period is effective from 1st on the agreed month till 11 months. 1st day of_________________
The tenant should deposit a sum of Rs___________/- (Rupees____________only) as the security amount, which will be refunded /adjusted at the time of vacating the said premises.
The tenant should use the premise for residential purpose only and not for commercial purpose.
The tenant has no rights given to sub-let or art with a certain portion of the premise to any person.
In case the tenant fails to pay rent for two months or more, then the land lord can ask the tenant to vacate the premise.
The tenant has to pay the electricity bills month on month on his own responsibility and this amount is not included in the monthly rental_______________.

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