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Best friend contracts - printable word template

Example of Friendship Contract

Find this example of printable best friend contracts. This sample template for download . You can edit this file in google doc or word as you want for your personnal uses.

Extract :


§ 1.1 Friend #2 will be there for Friend #1 at all times including but not limited to: When it’s raining outside and Friend #1 gets sad thinking about the little raindrops dying painfully as they hit the pavement, when it’s not raining, and when it’s one of those days where it’s raining for a bit but then not raining for another bit.

§ 1.2 Friend #2 MUST support Friend #1’s artistic endeavors, no matter how amateurish or unwise those endeavors are.

§ 1.2.1 If Friend #1 starts playing guitar, Friend #2 is required to issue frequent supportive statements such as: “Now we’re grooving!” “You’re making love to those frets, best friend!” and “You sound even better than Blues Traveler!”

§ 1.3 If Friend #1 is going through a breakup, Friend #2 must break up with their own significant other so that both Friend #1 and Friend #2 can hit the town together looking for new love.

Example of Friendship Contract

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best friend contract ideas, best friend contract funny