Car deed of sale sample philippines letter template
Car deed of sale form
Find here an example of Car deed of sale sample philippines letter template to download in pdf format. You can easily adapt this document to your needs, you can also print this file.
Extract :
WHEREAS, the SELLER is the legitimate registered owner of a motor
vehicle specifically described as follows:
WHEREAS, the BUYER has offered to purchase the subject vehicle from
the SELLER and the latter has agreed to sell the same to the BUYER.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTY
THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 50, 000.00), the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged in full and to its entire satisfaction, the SELLER have sold,
ceded, transferred and conveyed and, by these presents, do hereby sell,
cede, transfer and convey unto and in favor of the BUYER, his heirs,
successors and assigns, the subject motor vehicle free from any and all liens
and encumbrances of whatsoever kind and nature.

Tags :
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