carpenter contract template word
Carpentry Contract template
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement among the parties with respect to the Carpentry Works (Formworks) at _________________ described below, and supersedes and replaces all prior proposals, agreements, representations, negotiations, understandings, restrictions or warranties whether written, oral or implied among the parties. There are no other agreements than those set forth below:
The Services shall consist of the offloading and stacking of formwork materials, panels, jacks, props and associated carpentry and formwork materials from delivery vans or to the specified locations on the site as indicated by Site Manager.
The Owner shall make available to the contractor the Tower Cranes subject to their availability at the time of request. Nonetheless, the contractor must ensure that materials are safely transported to their point of being used or included in the works.
The Supplier shall provide the Services in accordance with and subject to the terms of this Contract (including but not limited to the provisions set out in appendix one) and will observe all appropriate industry standards, road and traffic regulations, best practices and appropriate legal requirements in carrying out the Services.
All materials and equipment to be used with the exception of artisan tools shall be supplied by The Owner Ltd
Drawings and Instructions for the works shall be obtained from The Owner by the contractor duly signed by the Carpentry Works Foreman and Site Manager
The General Foreman shall provide the Contractor with a programme of works detailing milestones and targets

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