How can I find cheap minimum car insurance in California ?
California's Low Cost Auto Insurance Program
Consumers - Please visit California's Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program at or call 1-866-602-8861 to see if you qualify and locate a certified agent in your local area.
Insurance Agents and Brokers (Producers) - Please visit the Automobile Insurance Plan Service Office (AIPSO) at for more information.
Visit This link for more.
I'm 25, never had a car before, never been insured before except for a little while on my parents' plan. Got license when I was 19. Never been in any accidents or anything like that. Trying to insure a 2002 Ford Ranger. I've looked at Geico, Progressive, they're not quoting me anything less than around 70 for minimum insurance. Is there a way to get cheaper insurance? Friends have told me I should be able to do it for around 20. I've never done this before and have no clue what I'm doing.
Answers from Quora (Keven Khach) :
Every individual driver has different insurance needs. If the car insurance company may fulfill his demands, it is the best one. If the same fails in providing the services according to the commitment, it becomes the most horrible one for any other individual. I consider only those car insurance companies the best ones in California that provide their policyholders what they expect in the form of insurance coverage.

What's the best (i.e. cheap but good company) car insurance in California?
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