Rent agreement form pdf
Rent agreement format pdf
Find this sample template of rent agreement form to download for free in pdf. You can print easily this document for your only personnal uses, you can also adapt this document with the help of an expert.
Extract :
The Tenant’s Covenant with the Landlord or Agent:
- The tenant agrees to all the following terms:
- Pay the rent on the 1st day of each month.
- Pay all utility charges.
- Keep said premises, including fixtures, in a good state of repair, allowing for reasonable wear and tear.
- To leave said premises in a clean state when giving up possession and to make good all damage done to said premises or fixtures.
- Repair any damage caused by negligence or lack of reasonable care by his/her guests, or licenses.
- Cut and water the lawn regularly.
- Look after all minor repair and maintenance (including all appliances).
- Vacate the premises on the expiration date of the lease.
The landlord or agent:
- Shall not enter the premises without giving the tenant advanced notice and shall only enter in the tenant’s presence.
- Reserves the right to have monthly inspections (with advanced notice) of the premises for any illegal activities.

, tenant agreement form pdf
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