Short bio example yourself
Short professional bio example
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The Quick and Easy Way To Write Your Personal Bio
Someone asked me how they can make their own personal Bio. In the interest of assisting that person and others here are a few ideas I researched about creating your own Personal Bio.First, understand that a Personal Bio is not a resume
A Personal Bio is exactly what its name infers, it is a personal biography of your employment. It is a short synopsis and highlights of your professional/employment life, perhaps as well, some interesting notes and flattering comments, all true of course.The Personal Bio is a type of sales document
Many Career Counselors won’t admit it, but the Personal Bio is all about selling you as the right person for the position you seek. Seldom does anybody write a Personal Bio just because they want to feel good. It is a document that can open doors for you, it can get you in to see people you may not normally get to see, and it also can close doors on you - if it is not a professional presentation. If you choose to add this tool to your employment search efforts, make sure you do it right.
Simple guidelines to help create your own Personal Bio
- Keep in mind that a Personal Bio is a business communication and as such it needs to have all words spelled right, be perfectly punctuated, and grammatically correct.
- You’ll want to avoid non sequiturs and other deficiencies.
- You’ll want to ensure that you write in complete sentences.
- One way to assure that these details are abided by is to ask a couple of friends or someone you know who is very good at editing.
- A great idea is to search in your local library, and/or online for samples of Personal Bios
You’ll find that there are many available and some of them are pretty sharp. Pay attention to public news releases about certain leading CEOs and business entrepreneurs. You’ll find these are filled with impressive ways to communicate to impressive people. Use what you find as material to create your own outstanding Personal Bio. Create your Personal Bio with your target audience in mind Who will be reading your Personal Bio? Will it be entrepreneurs and CEOs? The human resource people and/or middle managers? Entrepreneurs want to see people who are willing to excel, sometimes with risk as a factor. Human resource people & middle managers are more likely to want to see less risk taking, but more responsibility and administrative qualities.
Make your Personal Bio on one page
Try to answer who? What? When? Where? How? And why? In your Personal Bio. A helpful method is to start writing a list of answers you think of for each of these questions. Make sure to leave out references to religious beliefs, political memberships or positions, or anything that might be taken wrongTags :
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