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How to Record Live Videos on Instagram

In an effort to take on Snapchat and other social networks, Instagram added live video streaming in November 2016. Allowing users to stream live video to followers, who then disappear when it ends. In this guide, we will explain how to save Instagram live videos after recording.

Similar to Snapchat, these live videos can be streamed to subscribers and then disappear once viewed. Until now, it was broadcast live and then gone forever. However, Instagram recently released an update allowing users to save all live videos.

Once a stream is finished, the live video still disappears, but at the end the owner has the option to click done, or download and save it to their device or camera roll. Below are some additional details and instructions on how to back up your live videos.

Save your Instagram live videos

Now, about three months after announcing the new Snapchat-like feature, Instagram is expanding it to be even more useful for its users. Many live videos are broadcast during sporting events, family gatherings or other special occasions. Which was good, but some wanted to keep these videos after they were finished. Especially if something exciting or memorable happened.

With Facebook or Periscope, videos can be viewed later, but never on Instagram. They are instantly gone forever, but not anymore. It's now officially an in-app option. For those who haven't noticed yet, here are the instructions for recording your Instagram live video streams.


As you can see from the image above, it's pretty self-explanatory. Instagram has a great user-friendly interface, and that's one more addition. Rather than ending a live video and simply continuing, users can then choose to save it to the device.

It should be noted that you will only be able to save the video. None of the likes or comments that were displayed on screen during the broadcast. Of course, it won't be in the app anymore, because they're gone, but you'll have a copy of the events forever if you want.

According to Instagram, this new feature is now available in Android and iOS apps, or through an update to your respective app store. More details on live video and backup features can be found here . While you're at it, check out these 8 common Instagram problems and fixes.