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'Love Is Blind' Creator Says Verification Is 'Not a Foolproof Process', Addresses Casting Shake

Love Is Blind requires potential cast members to pass psychological tests and background checks. But that doesn't guarantee that people who arrive on the show will find love. The show creator opened up about the process and Abhishek “Shake” Chatterjee got engaged in Season 2.

Abhishek “Shake” Chatterjee says love is blurry for him

Love is Blind asks the question if people could fall in love without seeing each other, then stay in love after finding out what they look like? Shake fell in love with Deepti Vempati in Season 2. They bonded over their stories and similar future plans. However, they had a rocky start because Shake asked the women about their weight.

Shake proposed, and Deepti said yes. They met, and it seemed like they were physically attracted to each other. But that quickly changed in Mexico. Shake has told several people that she felt more like a family member than a wife to him. In the finale, Deepti chose not to marry him.

The hosts confronted Shake for the way he treated women that season. He admitted that physical attraction matters to him, so love is "fuzzy" to him.

'Love Is Blind' Creator Admits Series Is 'Not a Foolproof Process'

The creator asked if Shake was proof that there was something wrong with the vetting process for Love Is Blind . Chris Coelen then revealed his feelings about Shake.

"It's not a foolproof process," he told The Hollywood Reporter. “I'm not unhappy that Shake came on the show. »

The creator later said, “I was incredibly moved and blown away by what I perceived as his emotional type of maturation and transformation in the pods, that he had apparently discovered things about himself in the pods that were very deep in terms of why he felt what he was doing and who he was as a person, and I think he felt that.

However, Coelen is disappointed, like many fans, with how things ended between Deepti and Shake. "I'm certainly upset that Deepti didn't get the happy ending she wanted there, but I think even talking to Deepti afterwards, she felt she had grown tremendously from that experience as a than anyone, and I'm really happy about that. I'm happy for her. I hope Shake feels the same at some point, if he doesn't already.

The format of “Love Is Blind” will not change for season 3

The third season was filmed in Dallas and already went into production before the release of season 2. The creator basically explained that he wasn't using fan feedback to change the show.

"For me, it doesn't matter what happens in season one or season two or season three, or beyond," Coelen said. “All that matters is that we give them a real space to live a real experience. What happens to them on these shows lasts way beyond the TV show. These are real decisions affecting their real lives, potentially forever, and in terms of having children, etc. So we take this part very seriously.