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examples of timelines for students

Timeline examples in word

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Educators may find timetables a useful strategy for a variety of educational purposes. They can be used to document events in a story or history class in a sequential format. You can help students organize events in chronological order as they write their summaries.
Educators may find timetables a useful strategy for a variety of educational purposes. They can be used to document events in a story or history class in a sequential format. You can help students organize events in chronological order as they write their summaries. But most importantly, they can also aid English (ELL) learners with comprehension, helping them make connections and discover patterns in a series or process. Because the numerical markers such as hours, years, days, or months are widely spaced, the timeline may not be as visually complex as plain text, making it easier for ELLs to relate events to their corresponding times.

Both educators and parents can use timelines to help students organize information chronologically so that they can better understand growth, change, recurring events, causality, and key events of historical, social, and scientific importance (Moline, 1995 ).

Key benefits

Timelines provide ELLs with a visual framework to support reading comprehension, whether in social studies, science (e.g., life cycle), or simply fiction or non-fiction.