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timeline examples for students - 2

Examples of timelines for students

Find 2 examples of timeline for student to adapt it for your needs 

2015 Coordinator’s Timeline for Personal Project

(Sample group: Form 4 Barakah)






Phase 1:



Assign supervisors

31 May 2015

Personal project workshop for supervisors – A guide to Personal Project, Practical session in marking exemplars of Personal Project, Standardisation of final mark of the Personal Project

Phase 2:




Sample group form 4 students view exemplars MYP 5 Personal Project (can be taken from the OCC)

16 June 2015

Workshop on goal writing and explaining use of process journal to the students

First meet between the student and the supervisor - Brainstorm and generate ideas, Identify prior learning, Draft goal due

Phase 3:  


Second meet between the student and the supervisor – Submit final goal and global context, Decide on product/outcome, Begin development of criteria to evaluate the product

24 June 2015

Third meet between the student and the supervisor –  Discussion on initial research period progress, Students outline relevant resources, Students finalise criteria for their outcomes

8 July 2015

Phase 4:  


Fourth meet between the student and the supervisor –Discussion on progression, work on product/outcome

29 July 2015

Work-in-progress exhibition

5 August 2015

Phase 5:

Taking action  


Fifth meet between the student and the supervisor – Product/Outcome due, assessing the product/outcome against the specifications

14 October 2015

Report writing workshop

21 October 2015

Confirm timeline for school holiday meet between the student and the supervisor

November - December

First draft of Personal Project due to the supervisor

6 January 2015

Sixth meet between the student and the supervisor – Discussion on report draft

13 January 2015

Phase 6:



Final copy of Personal Project Report due

3 February 2015

Supervisors moderate and mark Reports - Assess the report, Standardize the assessment of the reports, Feedback to students

10 – 24 February 2015

Phase 7:


Personal Project Showcase

23 March 2015

timeline examples for students - 2

The Timeline to Complete My Exhibition 2009


The following is a breakdown of the tasks and the due dates determined by the students.


Task                           What is required           Date Due     Completed  Student/ Mentor

1. Selecting a



Students find a local issue of interest to research and generate questions to guide their research.




2. Collecting



Find information, pictures etc. from at least four of the following secondary sources:

  • Internet
  • Books
  • Encyclopedias
  • Magazines
  • Videos, slides, etc.
  • Writing letters to government agencies, companies etc.

From at least one primary source below:

  • interviewing people knowledgeable about the topic
  • writing letters to government agencies, companies, organizations




3. Research -

taking notes


Take notes (own words or - where necessary - quotations) to answer your questions.




4. Feedback



Organize your information (notes, pictures, artifacts, etc.), be ready to present these and to use the feedback to improve your progress.




5. First draft


Write first draft including an introduction and concluding paragraph.

  • What is the topic / problem and how does it link to the theme Sharing the Planet?
  • What are the different perspectives / opinions?
  • What is my suggestion for solving this issue?




6. Plan your




Make a detailed plan of how you will present your Exhibition project.

Your plan should include the following:

  • What form it will take
  • Materials needed for the information
  • A sketch of what it will look like




7. Begin work

on your action


Start to put your project including action component together. You have __________ days until your project is due.




8. Second


After conferencing with your teacher or mentor, revise your first draft.





9. Oral


Write notes and practice oral presentation with

parents at home and peers in school.(include display and action)








Let's celebrate!!!






I understand the timeline and will keep to schedule / monitor the progress:


_____________                                             _________________                                     _______________

      student                                                     teacher                                                           mentor