Bio data form philippines pdf free download
This document is a PDF file that contains a bio-data form. The form is designed to help individuals present their personal information to potential employers. The form is divided into several sections, including personal data, educational background, employment record, and character reference.
The personal data section includes fields for the individual's name, gender, date of birth, civil status, height, religion, spouse, name of children, father's name, mother's name, city address, provincial address, telephone number, and email address.
The educational background section includes fields for the individual's elementary, high school, and college education, as well as any degrees received and special skills.
The employment record section includes fields for the individual's previous employment, including the company name, position, and dates of employment.
The character reference section includes fields for the names, positions, and contact information of two individuals who can provide a character reference for the individual.
The form also includes a section for the individual to certify that the information provided is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that any misinterpretation will be considered reason for withdrawal of an offer or subsequent dismissal if employed.
This Bio data form philippines pdf is free for download.

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